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5 Tips To Make Self Care A Daily Priority

Updated: Nov 21, 2022

What do you have to do today? Where are you on that list?

Just like so many of us, there are so many things on your list that you are convinced you need more time, more hands, and more days during the week. Your priority list seems endless.

I know for me, my old list included but was not limited to, homework with the kids, laundry, work projects, husband, dinner, shopping, etc…If you notice, “I” was no where on my priority list. I wasn’t even on the bottom of my list. Hell, I didn’t consider myself a priority. I remember feeling that I had to keep everything and everyone together. If I didn’t take care of all these things in a timely manner, I was certain it would all fall apart. That had been my thought process for years!

It’s sad but it’s true. We will neglect ourselves and think nothing of it. Many times, we feel guilty for taking time out for ourselves because somehow, we think we could utilize that time elsewhere. We think it’s selfish.

I know I did. It wasn’t until Eric stopped me one day and asked me:

“If you don’t make time for you then who will? I sit back and watch you make time for everybody else. Truth is, today or tomorrow, God forbids, something happens to you, then what? Life continues, that’s what. Only you can make time for you and I want you to do that for yourself.”

When we share our story, I often talk about this turning point in my life . When Eric said that to me, it was like a breath of fresh air. It was an “A-Ha” moment. It was the shift in my perspective I needed to finally stop accepting all the excuses I was making about why I could not take time out for myself.

God gives us 24 hours in every day. If you are not worth at least 60 minutes–1 hour out of 24–then we encourage you to re-evaluate your priorities.

At the end of the day, it’s not about having time, it’s about making time.

1. Acknowledge you are worth you time.

You must stop feeling guilty about making time for yourself. Making time for yourself is not selfish. It is the most loving and responsible thing you can do for you. You are good to no one if you are stressed, tired, and being pulled in too many directions. You OWE yourself “ME” time.

2. Give yourself a minimum of 15 minutes a day.

Give yourself a minimum of 15 minutes every day. Schedule that time for you. Create an alert on your phone to remind you that it’s your time. Within those 15 minutes, do something that allows you to release the stress. You can exercise, take a walk, journal, read, or just relax.

3. Better manage your time.

It’s important for you to know HOW you are spending your time. Are you managing your time wisely or are you just “winging” it? A good tip is to make an hourly assessment of your day. Look for opportunities where you can maximize your schedule. You may need to shift some things around. Be willing to do what it takes to manage your time more effectively.

4. Learn to say "no."

We all hate the word “no” unless we are using it on our kids! Truth is, as much as we would like to, we simply can not do everything for everybody. Sometimes, a “no” is required. By saying “no,” you avoid over-extending yourself. You are able to free up some time for you. Again, it’s not selfish. It’s understanding YOU are a priority.

5. Commit to your self care.

There goes that “C” word again. You must commit to you. Don’t allow yourself to reschedule or cancel your “me” time. If it’s a priority, then everything else must be scheduled around that time you carve out for yourself. When you make your priority list now, designate specific times that you need to get your daily tasks done INCLUDING your “me” time. Schedule it & stick to it.

If you don’t make you a priority then who will?



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